

Digital world - disruptive in any sense – is the principal challenge of any industry. Those, which drive the global economy, must react to the new consumer and to a globalized world.

Companies must adapt to some worldwide issues like regulations, accessibility and security. Public and private sectors must converge in order to reduce the digital gap, improve public policy and open the market for competitiveness.



The financial sector is one of the most important pillars of the global economy, however, as in all sectors, it must adapt to a constantly changing, challenging and growing environment. The internationalization and technological roadmap of the last twenty years have changed the finance industry´s landscape entirely. Driven mainly by the increased digitalization of the economy and changes in customers´ profiles, a whole industry has also profoundly transformed the way it acquires, cares and retains customers.



The global healthcare industry is growing along with the demographics and standards of living of the world´s different geographies, increasing the demand for more and higher quality services. Specifically, access to healthcare services and data through digital channels is one of the most disruptive trends impacting the industry. Examples of this trend are the consolidation of the electronic medical records, virtual assistance, simultaneous care and patient monitoring through the network, all generate increased demands from patients and healthcare professionals every day.



Consumers purchasing habits have changed; today they are highly influenced by the internet and the rapid development of e-commerce. Connectivity has transformed the way we sell, buy, experience and tell about our experience. Brands have to maximize the opportunities and reduce the challengers that emerge with new ways to engage consumers.

Nowadays, the number of internet shoppers exceeds 100,000 million worldwide. Also, in many industries, online sales exceeded more than half of its total sales. This type of interaction prioritizes personal data privacy, multi-devices and platform adoption and innovation.



Technology, globalization, new forms of consumption and the younger generation’s lifestyle have meant a paradigm shift for the automotive industry. Manufacturers and suppliers are at a stage where the demand for mobility in big cities is changing dramatically.
On one hand, we have the influence of “Generation Y” and its demanding expectations, environmental awareness and even a trend toward less car dependency and the diversity of means of transportation offered by developed countries such as local mass transit, cycling paths and bicycle-friendly streets.



Logistics costs can generate a deficit in business due to lack of planning, inventory management, storage, transportation and distribution. In emerging countries, logistics costs often represent up to 42% of sales.
However, European countries have levels of logistics outsourcing of over 90%. The key to balance costs and have an efficient global operation involves implementing technology and an appropriate indicator system for logistics management. As a result, companies will have indicators that reflect real, useful and easy information to make decisions.


Food and agribusiness

We have a proven track record of identifying and delivering revenue, cost and quality improvements for agricultural and food production clients.
We understand the challenges Agriculture and Food Production businesses currently face as a result of changing consumer diets, scarcity of natural resources, supermarket buying power and increased competition from emerging economies. Our range of consulting services within the sector respond to these challenges and include


Education & ELearning

At Watergate Consultancy’s Solutions, we have developed school management applications, Univercity website, E-learning Portals & Parent-tutor website applications. Whether you need a web development company to update your existing outdated school systems or are looking to build the next great LMS application. You can discuss with our product managers and we can help you from idea to implementation with our experience in education technology.